Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nurse Picture

My ward nurses

It's difficult to get lined up. Smiling is even harder for some. It always makes me laugh because you can be talking with someone and tell them you will take their picture and they automatically put their arms to their sides and don't smile. For many of the patients, if I want them to smile I ask to see their teeth and you will at least get half a smile. 

We started this week with a couple surgeries on Monday and that was all. By the end of the week we were all learning more about what it means that things happen best in God's time. Wednesday and Friday we had surgeries. The new moon is coming soon to signal the end of ramadan. Hopefully along with that we will have more women arriving for surgeries. Please pray for this.

If there is something specific you would like to hear more about, leave me a comment and I'll fill you in on what you would like to know more about.

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