Saturday, February 12, 2011

Growing Up

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15

As I was reading this morning I came across this verse. It turned out to be fitting for my day. Today I went out alone for the first time since I got here. I have been out many times before but always with other people. I had to go to the supermarket and everyone else went to the pool today. I needed some time alone today knowing this week I will be with people all week. I had to psych myself up to go. That may seem funny, and it is, but in all my traveling around West Africa I have never been allowed to venture out alone. With Mercy Ships you always had to go out in groups. In Niger we were so far away from anywhere that to get to town someone would have to drive you and honestly, I wouldn't want to go out alone there anyway. So today I took the poda poda, got stuck in traffic, surprise, walked the last bit there, made it to the supermarket, shopped, exchanged money, and got a taxi home knowing how much it was going to cost. When I sat down the driver said 2000 as I put my foot out the door to get out knowing he was charging me too much. I said no. He said 1500. I said no. He laughed and said ok as I said 1000, knowing that was the right price. He and his friend in the front seat said they were just trying to have a little fun. I told them they were trying to get more money out of me. They said yeah and laughed some more.

Monday I am leaving bright and early to head to Kenema, a province north of here. I am going with Bernadette the screening nurse and Francis, our driver. We are going from Monday to Thursday for a screening trip. I'm excited to go and see more of the country and to see how these trips work. Lately not many fistula women have been coming back with these trips so I'm excited to see why and learn what we can to do improve that. Please pray for me this week. Pray for safety for the trip. Pray we will find women who need help. Pray my eyes will be open to how these trips can be improved. I'm sure I'll have stories to share when I return.

1 comment:

Sandra's Latest... said...

Well done for venturing out on your own.
I loved reading about your screening trip.
See you in a week or so.
