Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thanks and Goodbye

Five of the women sportin' their Lutherhaven gear

Some thanks are in order. Not just from me but from the patients as well.

First, thanks to Camp Lutherhaven for the t-shirt donation for the women. They are now nicely decked out in Cut, Crop and Quilt weekend and Great Escape t-shirts. Lovely! A bit of home for me to look at daily as well.

Also to my mother for the donation of crochet hooks. The women are loving them and making many chop covers,covers for their food. Thanks!

I have to share a story from today which brought me to tears. We have had a patient on the ward for two weeks now. She arrived from a screening trip completely wet and completely unable to walk. She could barely move her legs and had difficulty moving her hands as well. After being seen by the surgeon it was seen that she did not have a fistula but had completely lost all sensation to her bladder and the obstructed labor completely took away her ability to walk. We do have two physical therapists here at the centre who have been working with her and although she has a very long road ahead of her to recovery, in the last two weeks there has been such an improvement. Today when she left, she could sit in her wheelchair and use her legs to push or pull herself around the ward. She always smiled and thanked everyone for everything done for her. I have seen her cry more than any patient before. You could sense the frustration but she would never show it. She was just full of thanks. A few nights after she arrived I was visiting the ward in the evening. She waved at me and told me to come over. She took my hand and said she was going to call me her momma. Today her aunt and brother came to take her home. All the patients said and waved goodbye as she left. They have all been great with helping her with whatever she has needed. I cried as Haggar prayed for her. She has an appointment to come back in three months for follow up. Please join me in prayer that she will be walking through the door at that time.

1 comment:

Hettie said...

I will pray. Do most of the women already now how to crochet?