Sunday, November 28, 2010

Danja 2.0 Pictures

Me, Ginger, Jolene and Jacqui prepare to leave Maradi for Danja.

This is the incense they burn and swing around the ward for the smell.
Lots of bugs!

Meet Madje. Madje is a sock monkey made by my grandma.
Madje had many adventures in Danja.
The women loved her.

I told you that stone was big!

Jolene tames the donkey.

Hindou on the day of the dress ceremony.

Group shot.

The new hospital in progress.

Me standing inside the soon to be finished 40 bed ward.
(Check out that scaffolding!)


lindsay said...

Just now catching up on your blog-- oh the hospital looks great! Thanks for the pictures!

Melissa Davey said...

You are all amazing! SO glad I get to glimpse into what your doing...Thank you :)

Ricki at Expedia CruiseShipCenters said...

Thanks for posting this blog!!! It is helping me gain more understanding of what awaits my daughter who is headed your way soon.